
New investment!

Cherry tree

While the Cherry sorter was installed in 2017 and is only 3 years old, PROTO has made a major upgrade in 2019 and has already begun the process of a new upgrade for 2020. The 2020 investment includes the Cherry Vision 3 quality management system by Unitec. It is the heart and soul of the machine thus this upgrade is so significant to the point that it feels as if installing a new sorter overall! This new system includes more cameras positioned in various angles, in order for every single cherry to be inspected in full and discarded if necessary. This new system will provide even better consistency in quality especially when the cherries are affected by weather in a bigger percentage than usual.


Season news

It looks like the harvest process will go as planned, as the season is not expected to begin before the last week of May when the lockdown measures in Greece will be less restrictive. Early varieties are in full blossom and by the end of the month the other varieties will follow. It seems that the fruit load will be normal and the overall crop will be just a week late in comparison to last season. In 2019, PROTO handled in total 7.100 tons out of which about 6000 tons were sold as fresh fruit and the rest were sold to the cherries’ industry. For 2020, given that weather favors the season, the company expects to reach 8000 tons in total with 7000 tons being sold as fresh fruit.

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